Matteo Grilli's reviews

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    4.5/5 stars

    Sometimes I think it's kind of annoying that an ever growing chunk of all the stuff that gets released on vinyl today is reissues but then again I get to buy a pristine, perfect sounding copy of an album from 1967 that's still one of the best ever recorded and plays smoothly and perfectly from beginning to end.

    warm, soothing, beautiful and melancholic, evoking a powerful feeling of nostalgia.

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    4.5/5 stars

    Some of my favorite sounding tracks ever committed to tape. Production wise this is probably my personal best sounding album of the last few years, definitely one to reference when recording and mixing. Vintage warm tones to die for, bass, drums, guitars and keys, all expertly played and recorded.

    A record so good that made me go and check out all the music of the featured artists as well, Parthenope, Enny, Rosie Lowe, all great stuff.

    Opening track Summer Breeze is a personal standout.

    I wish I could see these boys play live.

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Review Ratings 32

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4 ★★★★★ ratings