Matteo Grilli's reviews

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    3.5/5 stars

    il gruppo di improvvisazione nuova consonanza is kind of an acquired taste, Morricone, Micalizzi and their friends scratched their darmstadt school itch when playing in this band and the results are slightly too avant-garde and atonal for a pleb like me, but and there's a big but, the title track here has some of the greatest breakbeat action ever committed to magnetic tape, and the rest of the record has plenty of weird percussion sounds so for sample heads this is still worth owning on vinyl.

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    3.5/5 stars

    at some point in the last few years a switch has flipped and music based on synths went from being used to describe the future to being synonymous with nostalgia and the past.

    This record is a great way to get reminded of how the weird sounds of synths were used to evoke alien landscapes, weird machines and fast moving technology. Geesin is a master at work.

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    3.5/5 stars

    Solid album, a good summation of Justice's career. Sure soundwise this might not punch as hard as their first releases but I feel like the whole culture has moved on from that era and nothing sounds as abrasive anymore, which I ultimately subjectively prefer (but that's like my opinion man)

    I generally think it's very hard to have a long career on the bleeding edge of cool when the thing that's 'in' changes every other year, Justice have survived with a bit of cunning conceding something to pop music, but they definitely have a knack for writing catchy and weird tunes, and their choice of collaborators with indie cred like Tame Impala, Thundercat and Connan Mockasin ensures they still get… More

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    3.5/5 stars

    Nice collection of mostly instrumental music by Johnny Jewel, ranging in tone from soft and elegiac to dark and brooding. Not a huge fan of the sequencing of the tracks and it feels more like a collection of tracks than a proper flowing and cohesive album but there's a lot of good tracks here

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