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  • in short, I am a hot bisexual with two boyfriends who recently discovered she went up a cup size. I couldn't need or love this album more.

    in long, I didn't care at all about charli until seeing her live two years ago and something about the sheer talent and queer euphoria in the room permanently and formatively altered my brain chemistry in a healing direction. Whatever the opposite of gay conversion therapy is, that's charli's music. BRAT is transcendent, bold, and genuinely interesting pop music. If I had this album when I was sixteen, I could have saved myself a lot of trouble, but I take solace in knowing there is a whole generation of figuringthmeselvesoutkids who do get… More

  • Quería que me gustara pero creo que simplemente no es mi rollo. Me lo pondrán mis amigas en bucle y puede que en algún momento dentro de unos meses, cuando eche de menos el verano y tomarme siete pelotis en la terraza al madrileño sol de agosto, edite esta review. De momento no he entrado, aunque Mean girls me ha gustado bastante.

    Cosas a las que me ha recordado este disco / sitios a donde me ha llevado: Discoteca del club de golf, dolor de pies al volver a casa, altavoz de chavala en una de piscina pública, pasar por delante de un garito cuando justo el puerta abre para dejar pasar, Kesha, Taylor Swift, Bershka, aquel Sony Ericsson que tenía… More

  • Charli xcx claims her latest album, BRAT, is tailor-made for the nightclub. Well, I'm not sure which club she's referring to, but it's certainly not one I'd be hitting up. However, I must admit, I thoroughly enjoy ugly dancing to it at home in my underwear while frying up some eggs or doing the dishes. Despite its mislabeling, BRAT is a fun ride through quirky beats and catchy Britney-Spears-eat-your-heart-out-hooks. Charli, you might not be serving a club banger this time, but you saved my kitchen disco!

  • happy i waited to post my review for this. that being said i don't have that much to say except this shit bangs front to back. 'crash' didn't live up to my expectations, but she returns with probably her best release ever, charli should be doing taylor swift-sized arena shows. this shit fucking rocks.


    drunk/10 review. go listen. aoty, no questions asked.

    edit: the piano on mean girls is my favourite thing in any song this year.

  • Me gustó bastante en la primera escucha, mucho en la segunda y más que mucho en la tercera. Me gusta que no sea un disco continuista sin más, ni un envoltorio para sólo tres o cuatro hits, sino que tiene un sonido reconocible de principio a fin, que además no es igual a los discos anteriores. Me parece más sólido y probablemente más duradero.

    No es un pelotazo para bailar, no va a tener la canción del verano, y en parte por eso me parece más un disco de música electrónica que de pop.

    Dicho esto, Club classics y Rewind me parecen la bomba, y de las otras tres canciones extra, también Spring breakers.

  • not typically my cup of tea, but Club classics is the SOPHIE homage I needed

    edit: so i is the sweetest, most heart felt tribute to SOPHIE ever. I miss her so so much

  • earnest bangers from the queen of earnest bangers...u want a pop album? listen to CRASH. u want to dance and cry? listen to BRAT. brains and blood all over the page. strobe lights on a mirrorball. a notebook laying open in the street. we go round and round in the night consumed by fire.

  • Suena que espatarra, y mezcla con bastante originalidad un montonazo de referencias de un montonazo de géneros que no me gustan.

    Resultado: un disco que no me gusta.

    Visto. A otra cosa 😅

  • perfect production, better than usual (mildly more interesting) lyrics. it's charli - she's a musical talent - but i appreciate that she got more introspective and honest on this album. sincerely, a late twenties girlie who wants to be at the party foreverrrr

    faves: sympathy is a knife, everything is romantic, b2b

  • Se estudiará en los libros de Historia todo el rollout de brat y, lo más importante, cómo toda la anticipación y el hype desembocaron en el disco del año. Para los que hemos seguido a Charli XCX desde hace años, ya sabemos que tanto Pop 2 como how i'm feeling now ya son dos discos perfectos y que han cambiado el pop para siempre, pero sin duda brat quedará como el que llevó todo lo que Charli XCX ha estado cocinando durante años a las masas. No hay que darle muchas vueltas, la fórmula funciona: letras inolvidables, una producción que corta el viento, un rollout posterior de featurings que han hecho que el interés por el disco no decaiga en… More

  • Lots of fun and really satisfying production choices in places. It’s not really my go to type of music but I appreciate the creativity and the moment Charli has created

    Highlight: sympathy is a knife

  • Charli XCX gets her overdue flowers with brat, like Leo getting Best Actor for The Revenant. Unlike that film, this record is so eclipsed by an attendent cultural tsunami that it's genuinely hard to appraise it in a vacuum. That's probably worked to its advantage, occluding questions of the album's long-term strength. How's the mixing? Is the arrangement strong enough? Is it as gorgeous and forward-thinking as past records? Who cares, we just wanna hear those club classics.

  • ¿No es un poco pronto para un revival de los dos mil?. Eso sí, en “Von Dutch” me he quedado a vivir un buen rato. Disfrutable, pero poco más.

  • I recognize the genius on Charli, I've enjoyed some of his stuff (when she was closer to PC Music though) and I see a lot of that here. But also some stuff just sounds like cheap synth presets to me and some PC Music lookalike and burnt ideas. So yeah, all good but I'll get back to this another time.

  • This really does feel like the magnum opus Charli has been carefully working toward after redefining her career about 5 years ago. This is hyperpop at its finest and most refined, and Charli is carving out a unique place for herself amongst the pop greats. It's filled with club anthems that feels perfectly in tune with the state of the world today: as we become even more connected to the chaos (both beautiful and horrifying) of the world via the internet, we want to turn to creative outlets (like dancing/clubbing) to distract ourselves. This album is glitchy yet calculated, scatterbrained yet cohesive, retrospective yet pushes pop forward, and more. It's near perfect in my eyes and ears.

  • Muy divertido y mucho más petardo de lo que esperaba.

    Me quedo con “b2b”, tiene un potencial para un dance/club remix que ya está tardando en llegar para animar el verano.

Last updated: June 16th, 2024

More releases by Charli xcx