I loved the Wheel last year, and I'm so glad that the EP backs it up. Choral, folky, sometimes proggy (I guess, although I'm not sure it's anything other than the song structures that give it that feel). That sounds like it might be terrible, but is in fact entirely the opposite. Sha is a highlight, but it's all great. I think it's their talent for interlocking harmonies that's the really killer here.
This ep really flashbanged me, had never heard of Ugly before Ⅰ just randomly happened upon "Icy Windy Skies" one day.
36 minutes and 9 seconds later Ⅰ had been fully wrenched out of whatever immemorable headstate Ⅰ was in before, lying down on the floor silently screaming at how insanely good that experience was.
Really good, Ⅰ highly recommend just starting at The Wheel and listening in series, it goes from serene harmonising paired with light acoustic guitar to fast technical drums with wailing electrics and touches of synth, stringed instruments, brass instruments, it's a real mix.