Food for Worms

Avg. rating
Showing 3 lists
  • 2023

    22 releases

    Mis 30 discos favoritos de 2023, ordenados bajo ningún criterio. Faltan muchos (Faizal Mostrixx, Felipe Gordon, Fixtures, Gúdar/Pablo Prisma, Hoplites, Naix, Verde Prato, Wet Dip) porque aún no están en Record Club ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • My Favorite Albums of 2023

    34 releases

    Missing/difficult to find from/in the Record Club catalogue, but on my list:

    Anna Hillburg - Tired Girls
    Duran Duran - Danse Macabre
    Emma Anderson - Pearlies
    Surf Trash - Under the Radar
    Ryan Wong - The New Country Sounds of Ryan Wong

  • Okay/3

    1 release

    The bulk of everything.
    The majority of all sound.

    It's not trash, it's not great, it's okay!

    "Okay" encompasses almost everything and includes music Ⅰ really like a lot and would listen to on repeat as well as music Ⅰ would not want to listen to again.

Last updated: March 7th, 2023

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