Silence Is Loud

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  • 5/5 stars

    I was caught off guard with this album—expecting the typical high-energy from tracks like "Bad Gyals" and "Baiana," I found something far more introspective. Initially, I thought I needed more upbeat jungle vibes, but after a few listens, especially on a night drive, I realized the beauty in its softness.

    The standout track, "Unfinished Business," with its perfect reprise, beautifully caps off the album, which closes on a nostalgic note. Although it leans heavily on familiar territory and might not explore a broad range of styles, it perfectly captures the essence of new love and comfort.

    For those open to a shift, this album is a journey worth taking. Its introspective depths are a refreshing contrast to the artist's… More

  • 3.5/5 stars

    I was a big fan of the singles and have been following her for years. I think that this only scratches the surface of her potential. The personal and introspective lyrics contrast the music well, but the jungle and d&b instrumentation isn't dynamic or complex enough. That said, this is a breath of fresh air and no singular track was bad, but when put together, the lack of diversity gets a bit fatiguing. She is definitely one to watch for electronic music moving forward.

  • 4/5 stars

    I never thoroughly acquainted myself with the jungle genre but if this is what it sounds like then I definitely should! Some strong material on here. However, I need to lower the rating a tiny bit due to NA’s vocals being a bit weak at times.

    But still, great stuff.

    Stand out tracks: “Silence Is Loud” & “So Tell Me…”

  • 4/5 stars

    Okay, so hear me out: over 90% of this album consists of a variation on the same DNB / jungle type beat. The thing is, that beat SLAPS and the execution is done so well here. Once you start really paying attention though, every song starts to feel so different from the other and you begin to understand the lyrics just a bit more. It doesn’t help however that Nia keeps repeating the track names over and over. That does get quite tiresome.

    FAV: Cards On The Table & Silence Is Loud (Reprise)

  • 3/5 stars

    Fun bops that all sound so similar that if Nia didn't repeat the track titles during the chorus of each song I would be incredibly lost. I listened to this album while I was rock climbing and sent a problem I've been working on for a while though so points for that.

Last updated: March 18th, 2024

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