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bcj's reviews tagged ipod classics

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    4/5 stars

    Back when me and my buddy Mark were on a work term together we swapped iPods for a day to check out each other's music. The only thing I still remember listening to was this album.

    He seemed a little surprised when I said this album ruled and included the final track in that opinion. Honestly, and no offence to liars on this, I think the ending might be the best part.

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    4/5 stars

    Oh, apparently we're posting about songs we used as ringtones/alarms today. I used One Heavy February as a ringtone for a while and it was a mistake because it's a great song and it ruined it for me for a while.

    I don't know if something both twee and nostalgic was the right thing to listen to when all in my feelings about the impending demise of cohost but it's hard to argue with the fact that this album is great

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    5/5 stars

    What a fantastic album. So full of hope and longing, and with that emotion building to the climax of the album, the back to back of The Shore, where Bulat's powerful voice feels its most ethereal, and then Once More, for the Dollhouse, where it feels on the edge of breaking. Just incredible work to overshadow the title track, which feels like it would otherwise be a shoe-in for best song on the album

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    5/5 stars

    Quite simply, and without exaggeration, I think this is the best album that exists. Know that every time I review another album here and sing its praises, I think it simply doesn't compare. I think TNT a perfect album.

    It feels like a complete work—it's cohesive. Every song complements its neighbours as it flows between them. No song feels out of place. No note feels out of place. No song is being carried here either. I think Ten-Day Interval and I Set My Face to the Hillside are the standout tracks but I'd be happy to hear any song on this album in isolation. I just don't think that's the way this album shines.

    Something that exemplifies that for… More