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4/5 stars
  1. Kimbra makes music indicative of having good and interesting taste. I also think that she has a really good ear for collaborators. (I suspect these are related.)

  2. Kimbra makes music that, to me, sounds like “the future of the present”. It sounds exciting and it sounds immaculate, but there’s always a kernel of the contemporary in there. I think she’s experimental but I don’t think she’s avant-garde (qualitatively neutral observation). She still makes music that, when you listen to it year(s) later, it still manages to transport you back to that time and place.

  3. Foolish Thinking (track 8) is I think a pretty incredible subversion of what has come before. It takes her confidence and assertiveness and twists it into a quiet introspective defeated really pretty sad track. (I also think Lott’s featuring vocals and the instrumentation are incredible.) Unfortunately though I think this song is so strong that it makes the closing track feel redundant, and so it ultimately ends on kind of a nothing note.

  4. [me talking about the very popular multiple Grammy winning millions of monthly streams on Spotify artist Kimbra] have y’all heard about Kimbra?? wow she’s doing some great stuff. I think she’s gonna make it big one of these days


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