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i completely forgot this band existed until i saw someone mention they're doing a reunion show. i went through… some kind of phase with this album. just glancing at the track list, there are two extremely direct references to the Ender Quartet, which i thought was awesome. "these guys read books! they've read books that i've read!!!"

i simultaneously feel like this album is underrated (because i never met anyone else who'd heard it? because i… forgot about it?) and… eh. even during my phase with it, i wanted to be more into it than i actually was. the best i've been able to come up with is… it doesn't go crazy enough. and by crazy i mean leaning into its own drama. the first track is called Theatre and this album is theatrical, and yet… restrained? to invoke some very different albums in comparison: i think it could've used more of the energy that propels A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, or Sam's Town? or Crimson? well, that one is also kind of restrained. idk!

one last thing: i kept staring at the album cover like "is this alt artwork? i thought it had more colors" and then finally realized i was conflating it with the artwork for Deja Entendu. extremely long sigh


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