Andrew Elmore's reviews

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  • 4.5/5 stars

    One of the records I've probably listened and re-listened to most in my life. Everyone involved was firing on all cylinders. The Grand Finale is low key one of the best NWA songs. Really makes you wonder what could've been, if his career hadn't been so rudely interrupted by a car crash. It's not the best record in the world--D.O.C. keeps things real lighthearted here, generally speaking. And Beautiful But Deadly is embarrassing, that's a skip every time for me. But taken as a whole, this is onr of the best hip-hop records of the late 80s and I think Dre and D.O.C. deserve a bit more credit for it. One of my all time favorite… More

  • 4.5/5 stars

    I'll give it some more time to percolate but initial feelings after a few listens are very positive. I couldn't hum you a hook from this record, there's no radio single here, there's nothing catchy or sticky here. That sort of aesthetic would be wildly out of place and thematically inappropriate on Songs of a Lost World. Some of these snare drums sound like they're threatening to destroy the world, and some of those huge grinding bass tones are a hair's breadth from tearing the sky asunder. This album is a "put it on in the dark and sink into the boundless texture of it all" kinda deal. I dunno man, this grown up goth kid's happy to be sad… More

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